Hate Symbol

Aryan Fist

Hate on Display / Aryan Fist
ALTERNATE NAMES: White Power Fist, White Fist

The upright clenched fist has long been used as a symbol (both graphically and as a hand gesture) to represent themes such as defiance, unity, and power.  In the 1960s and 1970s, black nationalist groups in the United States and elsewhere often used a dark-skinned clenched fist gesture or image as a "black power" symbol.  By the 1980s, white supremacists in the United States and elsewhere had appropriated this symbol, substituting a white fist.  White supremacists frequently claim that they use the symbol to represent "white pride" or "white power."

Additional Images

Aryan Fist
Aryan Fist
Aryan Fist
Aryan Fist
Aryan Fist
Aryan Fist

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