Backgrounders & Definitions

Antisemitism Uncovered
Antisemitism Uncovered: A Guide to Old Myths in a New Era is a comprehensive resource with historical context, fact-based descriptions of prevalent antisemitic myths, contemporary examples and calls-to-action for addressing this hate. Read more and watch the companion video series.
What Is… Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism, Anti-Israel Bias?
Questions, Complexities and Context: Insights into Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
10 Ways to Have Conscientious Conversations on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)

Programs & Resources for Students

Antisemitism on Campus Student Course
A 75-minute self-paced, interactive learning experience created by ADL and Hillel International that helps campus communities become more inclusive through an exploration of Jewish identity and antisemitism.

Words to Action
An interactive program designed to help young Jewish people be equipped with constructive and effective responses to combat antisemitism and anti-Israel bias and to empower them to become leaders in addressing antisemitism.

Questions to Ask When Considering a College
There is more than one right school for everyone, and what that right place is depends on many factors. Here is a set of suggested questions Jewish students can ask about a university’s commitment to no tolerance for antisemitism and what it has done to further that commitment.

A comprehensive collection of resources to help Jewish students on campus deal with antisemitism and anti-Israel incidents on campus.
Campus Disruptions
Guidance for Academic Disruptions
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)

What Universities Should Do to Prepare for the New Academic Year
Disruptions and Encampments on Campus
Open Letter to College and University Presidents: Disruptions of Commencement Ceremonies and Other Campus Events
What To Do If You’re Concerned About Anti-Zionist Commencement Disruptions
Targeting Hillel, Antisemites and Anti-Israel Activists Push to Undermine Jewish Life on Campus

WESPAC (Westchester People’s Action Coalition) Foundation: What You Need to Know

"Time to Escalate": Anti-Israel Activists Intensify Protests with Violent, Direct Actions

Stop and Think: Anti-Israel Chants and What They Mean
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)
Largest 100 University Endowments Could Lose $33 Billion over 10 Years if Divested from Israel

Campus Divestment Campaigns: JLens Unpacks the Demands and Consequences
Israel Divestment Talking Points: A Primer for Engaging University Endowment Leadership
FAQs on the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement on Campus
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign (BDS)
Research & Analysis
Campus Antisemitism One Year After the Hamas Terrorist Attacks

PFLP 'Charity' Arm Samidoun Has Long Played a Role in Anti-Israel Movement on U.S. Campuses

Who is Funding U.S. Anti-Israel Groups?
The Alarming Surge of Antisemitism on College Campuses
Anti-Israel Activism on U.S. Campuses, 2023-2024
Campus Antisemitism: A Study of Campus Climate Before and After the Hamas Terrorist Attacks

Campus Antisemitism Online: The Proliferation of Hate on Sidechat

Anti-Zionism as Antisemitism: How Anti-Zionist Language from the Left and Right Vilifies Jews

Workplace Resources
Guidance for Staff and Faculty
Guidance designed to aid staff and faculty in addressing antisemitism on campus.
Antisemitism 101 for the Workplace
View this 45-minute on-demand interactive module to develop your awareness and understanding of antisemitism, recognize how antisemitism shows up in the workplace and ways to take action.
Jewish Employee Resource Group (ERG)
Given the current spike in antisemitism on campuses, and the relative absence of religious or faith-based ERGs, this resource provides clarity on why Jewish ERGs are important and how to create one.
National Jewish Employee Resource Group (ERG)
Join ADL’s National Jewish ERG Network and connect with your Jewish colleagues and peers around the country to support their ERG goals.
Speak Out Against Antisemitism in the Workplace
This resource provides DEI/HR professionals with a framework for understanding the importance of including antisemitism as part of DEI initiatives in the workplace.
Report an Incident
If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of antisemitism, extremism, bias, bigotry or hate, please report it to ADL.