Counter Antisemitism: We All Must Act

Since October 7th, ADL has tracked a surge in antisemitic incidents on college and university campuses. In addition, 73% of Jewish college students surveyed have experienced or witnessed some form of antisemitism since the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year alone. A plurality of Jewish college students reported that they do not feel physically safe on campus after October 7th, and even fewer feel emotionally safe.

Together with ADL, we can demand change. Not On My Campus provides an actionable path toward No Tolerance, and empowers students, parents, alumni and other stakeholders to come together to call for change. We can’t do this alone.

Take Action

Pathway to No Tolerance

Committing to No Tolerance for Antisemitism requires clear, concerted action. There are several core action steps universities can and should take to demonstrate the commitment to No Tolerance and make their campuses safer. These include six tangible actions universities can take now as well as ensuring that student codes of conduct are enforced when conduct crosses the line. For universities who believe their codes of conduct do not sufficiently address such conduct, ADL has sample language that can be used to strengthen those codes. Schools can also take clear, decisive action now to ensure that graduation ceremonies, events, and functions run smoothly, and that all students and their families feel safe, welcomed and celebrated.

the 6 Checkboxes

The Six Key Commitments

Help push your college to implement these key commitments to address the hostile environments that are increasingly taking hold on campuses across the country.

Student Code of Conduct

Student Codes of Conduct

Ensure that codes of conduct are upheld and evenly enforced, and fill any gaps that may exist to provide comprehensive protections for students on your campus.

Circles of stars graphic representing best practices

Best Practices

Covering everything from supporting Jewish life on campus to opposing BDS to mandating antisemitism education for all members of the campus community, this toolkit can help ensure that every campus is prepared to address antisemitism. Read and share this with your university.

Take Action: Call for No Tolerance of Antisemitism on Campus

Parents and college students

For Parents: Ensure the safety of your students

Graduates from University

For Alumni: Make an impact on your alma mater

College Students

For Students: Make no tolerance for antisemitism a reality

meeting - viewing report

For Staff & Faculty: Address antisemitism on your campus

Tell the Department of Education to Protect Jewish Students

Jewish students have been physically assaulted on campus, prevented from entering campus buildings, told to "go back to Poland" and have faced repeated verbal abuse. Join ADL in urging the Department of Education to designate a senior official to oversee efforts to counter antisemitic discrimination in higher education, as called for by the Countering Antisemitism Act.

Report Antisemitic Incidents

Report incidents of antisemitism or hate to ADL. Use the CALL website or text "CALLhelp" to 51555 to have a lawyer review campus-based incidents of antisemitic discrimination, intimidation, harassment, vandalism or violence.

Keep up to date with our fight against antisemitism, extremism and hate, and learn how you can make a difference.