We hear from Jewish students, parents, alumni and staff and faculty members nearly every day about their concerns over rising antisemitism on campus. Now we need your voice. ADL is here to offer support, resources, and ways to galvanize communities to call for change.

Tell University Leaders to Act Now to Counter Antisemitism on Campus This School Year

As students return to campus, university leadership must take action to ensure a safe and inclusive learning environment. ADL, Hillel International and our Jewish Communal Partners have come together to offer comprehensive joint recommendations for university leadership to counter rising antisemitism on campuses. Urge campus leaders to act now so that this school year is safer and more inclusive for Jewish students and for all students.

Quick Actions

Here are quick actions you can take and directly share with others.

Our campuses continue to face a troubling increase in antisemitism. Send this letter to urge university leaders to implement the recommendations put forth by ADL, Hillel International and our Jewish Communal Partners.

Learn more about antisemitism on college campuses, delve into educational resources and take action to demand No Tolerance for Antisemitism by visiting ADL’s Not On My Campus site.

Social media is a critical tool to show support for Jewish students in the fight against antisemitism on campus. Here are templates for posts that you can use and adapt.

Show your support for No Tolerance for Antisemitism by sending a letter to campus administration. Below are a series of tailored letters urging administrators to proactively counter antisemitism and make campus a safer, more welcoming environment for Jewish staff and faculty.

For students, parents and alumni:

For staff and faculty:

Dive Deeper

Respond to Your College's Fundraising Requests

Explore Our Antisemitism Research

Explore Our Resources

Learn more about antisemitism and anti-Zionism, disruptions on campus and Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign (BDS).

What to Get More Involved?

Write an Op-Ed

Op-eds are a powerful tool to make your voice heard in support of the call for No Tolerance for Antisemitism and the protection of Jewish members of the campus community. Whether you are writing in a campus newspaper or a larger publication, you have an opportunity to share your perspective and make a forceful argument against antisemitism.

Write a Letter to the Editor

Sending a Letter to the Editor of your local campus or regional newspaper is a great way to show your support for Jewish students on campus and push for a commitment to No Tolerance for Antisemitism.

Form a Jewish Employee Resource Group (ERG)

Given the current spike in antisemitism on campuses, and the relative absence of religious or faith-based ERGs, this resource provides clarity on why Jewish ERGs are important and how to create one.

Join ADL's National Jewish ERG

Join ADL’s National Jewish ERG Network and connect with your Jewish colleagues and peers around the country to support their ERG goals. ADL will provide education and resources to empower members to effectively advocate for inclusive workplaces free from issues of antisemitism and anti-Zionism.

Keep up to date with our fight against antisemitism, extremism and hate, and learn how you can make a difference.