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Daily Stormer Book Club

Hate on Display / Daily Stormer Book Club

Group Status: Current

The Daily Stormer is a virulently racist and anti-Semitic website created by Andrew Anglin and associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement. In 2016, Anglin decided to capitalize on the site’s popularity with younger white supremacists by promoting the concept of Daily Stormer Book Clubs, which were imagined as localized groups of male white supremacists who meet socially and engage in white supremacist activity, including preparing for “the coming race war.”

The Book Clubs’ logo consists of an open book flanked by two crossed clubs with spikes in them, surrounded by garlands. The words “Stormer Book Club” appear at the top.  The Daily Stormer mandated that, when appearing in public, Book Club members adopt a “uniform” of red sneakers, jeans, a white t-shirt, and an American flag bandana. Not all members necessarily follow the dress code.

Since 2016, Daily Stormer Book Clubs have popped up in at least sixteen states, though many have been short-lived.  The most common type of activity by members has been posting or distributing white supremacist propaganda.

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Daily Stormer Book Club
Daily Stormer Book Club
Daily Stormer Book Club
Daily Stormer Book Club

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