Hate Symbol

League of the South

Hate on Display / League of the South
ALTERNATE NAMES: Southern Nationalist Flag, Black Cross

The League of the South is a longstanding neo-Confederate white supremacist group that advocates for a white-dominated, independent South. It originated in the mid-1990s as an organization that typically employed coded racism but took a sharp turn into explicit white supremacy and anti-Semitism in the 2010s.

The logo of the League of the South is the so-called “Southern Nationalist Flag,” created in 2013 by a League member. The design features a black cross—meant to resemble the St. Andrew’s Cross on the Confederate flag—against a white background.

A League-associated social media page claims that the color white in the flag stands for “European heritage, hierarchy, tradition,” while the black stands for “nationalism.” It also claims that “the ‘X’ shape…recalls the Roman numeral X (10), which in French is written as ‘dix,’ as in ‘Dixie.’”

The flag design has been adapted to fit shields, banners, lapel pins and other forms of display. Because some websites now sell versions of the flag as a “Southern Nationalist” flag rather than specifically a League flag, its usage may extend beyond strictly League members.

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League of the South
League of the South
League of the South
League of the South
League of the South
League of the South

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