Hate Symbol

Tyr Rune

Hate on Display / Tyr Rune

The Tyr rune is one of many ancient European symbols appropriated by the Nazis in their attempts to create an idealized "Aryan/Norse" heritage. This gave symbols such as the Tyr rune a new, racist significance that they did not originally have. Nazi Germany used the Tyr rune as a symbol for a number of Nazi entities, including the leadership schools (Reichsführerschulen) of Hitler's brownshirts, the Sturmabteilung, and a Waffen SS infantry division, among others.

Since World War II, neo-Nazis and other white supremacists continued to use the Tyr rune in a racist context - along with the Elhaz (or Life) rune, the Tyr rune is one of the most common white supremacist appropriations of ancient runic symbols.  Its popularity in part stems from the fact that it is considered by many to be the "warrior rune."

Because today the Tyr rune continues to be used by non-racists as well, including members of various neo-pagan religions, one should not assume that use of the symbol is racist but instead should judge the symbol carefully in its specific context.

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Tyr Rune
Tyr Rune
Tyr Rune
Tyr Rune
Tyr Rune

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