Op-eds are a powerful tool to make your voice heard in support of the call for no tolerance for antisemitism and the protection of Jewish students. Whether you are writing in a campus newspaper or a larger publication, you have an opportunity to share your perspective and make a forceful argument against antisemitism. Below you will find some best practices when writing Op-Eds.

  • Use plain language. To appeal to a general audience, it’s imperative that opinion pieces are written with clear language without the use of specific jargon. This way, more people can understand your article and focus on the call to action.  

  • Follow our message framework. By following our framework, your op-ed will be unified with others across the country. This helps readers to clearly understand the focus of the op-ed, without any confusion or speculation about what is being addressed.   

  • Provide data from credible sources. By providing data from reliable sources, the op-ed will become more elevated and reliable. Even though this is an opinion piece, readers want to understand the reason for your perspective. We have plenty of resources, including trackers and surveys, that you can reference in your piece. 

  • Emphasize equity. Our fight against antisemitism does not pit us against other communities. In your piece, remember that our mission is to protect Jewish students just as we wish for all students on campus to feel protected. There should not be any competition, only solidarity and advocacy.  

  • Include the call to action. It is vital that your op-ed calls for the school administration to act, commit to no tolerance to antisemitism, and review the codes of conduct. Without a call to action, the message of your piece is lost.  

Find examples of op-eds from Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO and National Director of the Anti-Defamation League in CNN and Time Magazine

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