Shaking Things Up: 14 Young Women Who Changed the World

Author(s) Susan Hood
Age Group 4-8
Publisher HarperCollins
ISBN 978-0062699459
Year 2018
Shaking Things Up

This book introduces fourteen revolutionary young women—each paired with a noteworthy female artist—to the next generation of activists and trail-blazers. In this book of poems, you will find Mary Anning, who was just thirteen when she unearthed a prehistoric fossil. You’ll meet Ruby Bridges, the brave six year old who helped end segregation in the South. And Maya Lin, who at twenty-one won a competition to create a war memorial, and then appeared before Congress to defend her right to create. This poetry collection was written, illustrated, edited, and designed by women and includes an author’s note, a timeline, and additional resources.

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Shaking Things Up

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