The Undefeated

Author(s) Kwame Alexander
Illustrator(s) Kadir Nelson
Age Group 6-9
Publisher Versify
ISBN 978-1328780966
Year 2019
The Undefeated

This book/poem is a love letter to Black life in the United States. It highlights the unspeakable trauma of slavery, the faith and fire of the civil rights movement, and the grit, passion, and perseverance of some of the world's greatest heroes. The text is also peppered with references to the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., Langston Hughes, Gwendolyn Brooks, and others, offering deeper insights into the accomplishments of the past, while bringing stark attention to the endurance and spirit of those surviving and thriving in the present. Important back matter at the end provides valuable historical context and additional detail for those wishing to learn more.

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