Tools and Strategies

The Power of Poetry to Teach about Identity, Bias and Social Justice

A junior high girl presents to her classmates


April is National Poetry Month

National Poetry Month provides an opportunity for many schools and classrooms to dedicate time to the study of reading and writing poetry.   

Poetry uses vivid and descriptive language, beautiful imagery, unique sounds and rhythms, and diverse voices. It often evokes an emotional and empathetic response and can open doors to people and worlds for which we are unfamiliar. It can touch hearts and minds and motivate action and societal change. In this way, poetry is a useful way to talk and teach about identity, diversity, bias and social justice. Throughout history, those themes have inspired music, spoken word and poetry. 

Below are K-12 lesson plans and children's literature that use the power of poetry and verse to teach those important themes.

Lesson Plans

Keep up to date with our fight against antisemitism, extremism and hate, and learn how you can make a difference.